Our thoughts determine our feelings. Those feelings determine our actions, and those actions determine our outcomes. That was the takeaway from Mindset Matters, the most recent women’s wellness & networking event presented by ROI-NJ in partnership with Caryl Communications.
With a special presentation by Amy Arvary, clinical hypnotherapist, author, speaker and performance coach, the gathering of 60 top women business professionals at Galloping Hill Country Club in Kenilworth last Thursday brought to the forefront how essential it is to be mindful and how to incorporate a successful mindful approach into your daily routine.
Arvary has been transforming audiences and private clients by using her unique customized approach to guide participants to be the very best version of themselves. As a clinical hypnotherapist, she has mastered the ability to identify blocks in our thinking. She helps individuals reframe their thinking to better align with what they desire to overcome, achieve and attract into their lives.
For the ladies’ brunch, Arvary guided the group to a hypnotic stage, where we were more susceptible to suggestions.
Ever have your kids playing video games and need them to do something? Arvary said it’s the perfect time to suggest they love to take out the garbage.
We also experience hypnotic stages while driving or right before we go to sleep, she said.
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring brain state that we experience every day, and we have since the moment we were born.
“When we are awake, the brain goes into a very high frequency, where its job is to collect information. Right before we doze off, our brains ‘download’ all the information we input to it during the day. This is who we are,” Arvary said. “The feelings that are associated with our thoughts are the things that matter. How we feel comes from our thoughts. And our thoughts always align with our feelings.”
Arvary said that, with that knowledge, we therefore have the power to ask ourselves, “How do I want to feel?” We can think specific thoughts to create the feeling we are looking for.
To feel peaceful, we can think about feet in soft sand with turquoise water around and bright warm sunshine beating down. It is the change in our thought that creates our feelings, which in turn create a behavior.
“Right now creates what’s next,” she said. “If we recognize what thoughts are needed to create the feelings we desire, we can bring on the positives results we want.
“The moment you change your instructions is the moment you change the trajectory of your entire life experience.”
Arvary’s unique approach left the audience feeling inspired, positive and motivated to take control of their mindset in a positive way.
Vendors who participated in the event included Beach Bum Beauty, Just Jersey Goods, LinkedbyMint, Moxie Salon and Beauty Bar and Women’s Center for Entrepreneurship.
For more information about ROI-NJ events, contact Heather Long at hlong@roi-nj.com.