NJII cuts ribbon on COMET initiative joint venture with NJIT, DoD

The New Jersey Innovation Institute has cut the ribbon on its COMET initiative, a joint venture between NJII’s Defense Division, New Jersey Institute of Technology and the U.S. Department of Defense.

The initiative is designed to foster collaboration between industry, academia and government to drive innovation in critical technology areas, in order to create a dynamic ecosystem that supports the development of new technologies and the commercialization of innovative solutions, NJII said in a news release. It will be hosted at NJII’s Advanced Manufacturing Center in Landing, dubbed Landing 360.

“The COMET initiative represents a major step forward in our mission to drive technological advancement and economic growth,” Michael Johnson, president of NJII, said in his remarks at the event. “We are excited to drive positive impact on the industry and the community through this initiative.”

“The COMET initiative represents a significant milestone in our journey toward solidifying New Jersey’s position as a leader in innovation across the nation,” U.S. Rep. Tom Kean Jr. (R-7th Dist.), whose district includes Landing, said at the event. “This facility embodies our state’s commitment to excellence, our dedication to fostering talent and our leading force in technology and innovation. With this initiative, we’ll have positive impacts across New Jersey, such as boosting the local economy and creating more high-tech jobs.”

Other speakers included:

  • Atam Dhawan, senior vice provost for research at NJIT, who spoke on behalf of college President Teik Lim
  • Paul Manz, chief technology officer, JPEO Armaments and Ammunition, who offered comments on behalf of Maj. Gen. John Reim, commanding general of Picatinny Arsenal in Morris County and joint program executive officer for Armaments and Ammuntion
  • Chris Grassano, director of the Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center
  • Stephen Luckowski, the Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Innovation Institutes program manager.