Bergen New Bridge launches new tech platform for enhanced mental health care

Patients with underlying behavioral health symptoms can now be screened, identified, triaged based on severity

Bergen New Bridge Medical Center announced it has partnered with NeuroFlow, a behavioral health technology and analytics company.

NeuroFlow helps organizations address the systemic problems of integrating behavioral health intelligence and processes into medical delivery systems, care management programs and disability programs, as well as active and inactive service member care.

Bergen New Bridge Medical Center will integrate NeuroFlow’s workflow tools into its ambulatory care settings to improve identification of behavioral health needs and more effectively allocate care resources.

The partnership will begin with an initial focus on providing care team members with the ability to track and measure patient progress in between appointments and improve resource allocation.

“We were looking for a way to identify and then prioritize behavioral health care needs in our patients, and this partnership with NeuroFlow will allow us to accomplish this by collecting essential data and helping to manage clinical decisions,” Deborah Visconi, CEO & president of Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, said. “By addressing underlying, undiagnosed mental health conditions, we can better prevent crises. Operationally, we can enhance integration of all our healthcare resources, share data and information, and truly create customized care plans for everyone allowing us to treat the illness and care for the person.”

The medical center said it selected NeuroFlow because the platform will aggregate valuable population behavioral health data that will give providers the insights they need to deliver quality care and improve patient outcomes.

NeuroFlow’s tech infrastructure will scale integrated care, enhancing both the reach and impact. NeuroFlow will also connect patients to other resources when appropriate, like community-based organizations that can help address social determinants of health.