Beth Rooney, the port director at the Port Authority of NY/NJ, will be the guest speaker at an international business networking event sponsored by the New Jersey District Export Council.
The event, which is free but requires registration, will be held Nov. 13 (5-7 p.m.) at CLA’s office at 293 Eisenhower Parkway in Livingston.
And with the current strike at ports up and down the East Coast, it couldn’t be more timely.
Rooney, who started at the Port Authority in 1993, has held a series of progressively higher-level management positions.
Rooney was appointed deputy port director in April 2019 after serving as the port’s assistant director overseeing policy, planning, legislative and regulatory affairs, as well as environmental sustainability, performance and efficiency. She is the architect and coordinator of the Port’s Council on Port Performance – the first forum of its kind in the nation that was established as a framework for Port constituents to identify challenges to Port efficiency and service reliability and develop recommended solutions. She has managed and coordinated Port-wide efforts to ensure that performance management and quality improvement efforts are developed and managed using a data-driven focus that sets priorities for improvements aligned to ongoing strategic imperatives.
Prior to that, she was the Agency’s first ever Manager, Port Security, having been tapped to take on that role on Sept. 12, 2001, serving in that capacity for more than 13 years.