Three attorneys at CSG Law (Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC ) were recently elevated to the leadership of the firm’s Litigation Group as Chair and Practice Group Leaders — Danielle Corcione, Marisa Rauchway and Mauro G. Tucci Jr.
“Danielle has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and judgment from the moment she joined CSG Law”, Jeff Chiesa and Frank Giantomasi, co-chairs of the firm’s Executive Committee said. “She is already a critical member of our Executive Committee, and we are very confident that she will bring those same qualities to her role as co-chair of the litigation department with Adam Derman and Matt Beck.”
“In her new role as Chair, Danielle will continue to bring the same diligence, tenacity and quality as she has in her other firm leadership roles, from her time as Practice Group Leader of the Litigation Group, to her ongoing service on the Executive Committee and as Chair of the ESG & Sustainability Group,” Beck, chair of the Litigation Group said. “Marisa and Mauro are talented attorneys in the vanguard of CSG Law’s deep bench of litigators and their extensive experience will help lead the way for the firm’s next phase of growth.”
“Our Litigation Group is handling some of the most high-profile matters in our state and beyond,” Derman, chair of the Litigation Group said. “The elevation of these new leaders underscores the importance of the strategic management and growth of this group, in order to continue to serve clients in the most efficient and effective ways possible.”
Danielle, also Chair of the ESG & Sustainability Group, is a former federal prosecutor, a former in-house counsel for a Fortune 500 beauty company, an experienced federal trial lawyer and a strategic advisor. Twice elected to CSG Law’s Executive Committee, Danielle contributes to the successful management of the firm.
“I am thrilled to lead the Litigation Group with Adam and Matt and look forward to collaborating with Marisa and Mauro to build on the incredible culture of our department,” she said.
Corcione helps companies and boards navigate significant and complex white-collar investigations and has represented individual, government, and corporate clients in high stakes regulatory matters pending before the Department of Justice and other regulatory bodies. She earned her J.D., cum laude, from New York Law School and her B.A., cum laude, from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Rauchway, who leads the firm’s Franchise Team, serves as a strategic legal advisor and partner to the local, regional and national franchise community. Her clients span a wide variety of industries, including hotel and hospitality, gas station and fuel distribution, childcare, gym and fitness, medical, luxury watches and jewelry, food and beverage, motor vehicle dealerships, appliance and entertainment. She earned her J.D. from Boston University Law School and her B.A. from the University of Michigan.
Tucci’s experience includes white collar criminal defense, regulatory and administrative matters, labor disputes, and class action defense. He routinely represents health care providers, financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufactures, and public entities. He earned his J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law and his B.A., with honors, from Colgate University.