Biden and labor: Three early predictions
With President Joe Biden’s new administration only a few weeks old, there are curious waters that are beginning to churn that the president will have to navigate. In the waters are the headlines that,...
Vaccine is crucial to N.J.’s economic health
It is undeniable that the past year has been a challenging one for every New Jerseyan. The ravages of the pandemic have been felt everywhere and, no matter what metric you choose, our state...
Kids are alright, but their stress levels are rising
Like any parent or guardian, most of us are concerned about the future our children face. Today’s kids are confronted with alarming environmental changes, the ravages of global pandemics and, in many cases, the...
Why PennEast Pipeline suit makes case for states’ rights
On Feb. 3, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal filed by PennEast Pipeline seeking to reverse the decision of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which held that PennEast...
Why setting energy standards for appliances will help businesses and save consumers
In line with the leadership role they are playing on energy and climate policy to reduce New Jersey’s reliance on fossil fuels and expensive out-of-state energy, Gov. Phil Murphy and the Legislature can take...
How COVID has affected construction lending market
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, construction lenders have been cautious in selecting the development projects they pursue. While construction financing is not without challenges, with the right sponsor and vision, projects are...
GCL line is transportation necessity for South Jersey
I live within a stone’s throw from the Conrail tracks that carry long, speeding freight trains past my house every day and night. When I first moved to my home, I had some concerns...
Why Economic Recovery Act of 2020 is needed stimulus for construction industry
Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed the New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020. Interested parties hailed the $14 billion in tax credits that will prompt a new effort to stimulate our economy, devastated by...
Why next round of PPP is another opportunity for community banks to show their...
Congress approved another stimulus program that will infuse the local economies across the country with substantial capital. In this pandemic environment, where do you think businesses would get the best service for such a...
Expansion of Employee Retention Credit … PPP loan plus ERC now allowed
The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020, or TCDTRA, that was passed Dec. 27 contains several important changes to the Employee Retention Credit, or ERC. The CARES Act passed earlier in...