ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Eileen Kean
Eileen Kean
New Jersey state director
National Federation of Independent Business
Heads New Jersey office for organization that makes small businesses the heart of its advocacy.
Barbara KauffmanJohn Kennedy
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Barbara Kauffman
Barbara Kauffman
Chief operating officer
Newark Regional Business Partnership
Known for her solid leadership at NRBP plus her strong advocacy as a past president of Executive Women of New Jersey.
Meghan HunscherEileen Kean
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Meghan Hunscher
Meghan Hunscher
Morris Chamber of Commerce
Has been a force in economic development and assistance in key North Jersey county for many years.
Ryan HaygoodBarbara Kauffman
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Ryan Haygood
Ryan Haygood
New Jersey Institute for Social Justice
Organization’s latest effort is leading fight against a redistricting process that often places needs of incumbents over equitable minority representation.
Debbie HartMeghan Hunscher
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Debbie Hart
Debbie Hart
Companies with N.J. footprints led country in developing new treatments, medications and vaccines. Were responsible for 69 new FDA approvals in 2020-21 (nearly 40% of approvals in that period).
John Harmon Ryan Haygood
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — John Harmon
John Harmon
Founder & CEO
African American Chamber of Commerce of N.J.
It’s not just that everyone takes his call, everyone calls him — desperate to have him join their boards or work with their organization. Harmon...
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Chip Hallock
Chip Hallock
Newark Regional Business Partnership
Respected leader of one of top regional chambers in the state.
Andrew GrossJohn Harmon
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Andrew Gross
Andrew Gross
Executive director
New Jersey-Israel Commission
November trip to Israel shows the importance placed on the commission. Israel not only has close cultural ties with N.J., but a $1.3 billion bilateral trade partnership.
Jarrod GrassoChip Hallock
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Jarrod Grasso
Jarrod Grasso
New Jersey Realtors
The suburban housing market, long a key indicator in the state, has been on fire since the start of the pandemic.
Regina EgeaAndrew Gross
ROI Influencers: Associations & Organizations 2022 — Regina Egea
Regina Egea
Garden State Initiative
Always provides a (fact-based and anecdotal-driven) alternative views to progressive policies involving state funds.
John DonnadioJarrod Grasso